When you approve of something or agree, you tend to upvote it. The same things apply to Reddit. When you find a post or a comment helpful or informative, you can upvote them by tapping the up arrow right below or beside the post.

How Does a Reddit Karma Work?

Reddit Karma depends on the number of upvotes you have. It is like a user’s score, which shows how big of a role a user is playing in the Reddit community. The concept of upvoting is similar to liking on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, etc. Likewise, there is a downvote system too. Users who disagree with you or dislike what you posted have the option to downvote it. This entire voting system constitutes Reddit’s Karma. Every positive interaction you have increases your Karma. Similarly, every bad interaction causes your Karma to decrease.  Having more Karma can assure the audience that you’re trustworthy, so you’ll get more reach and provide you with marketing opportunities.

Types of Reddit Karma

Users who are well-liked by people or are agreeable tend to have more upvotes. And this very upvote helps you gain Karma. Reddit Karma is mainly categorized into four parts. Post Karma, Comment Karma, Awarder Karma, and Awardee Karma.

Post Karma

It increases when you post something and people upvote it. As an example, suppose X published a review of a recently released show. People found that post agreeable and informative, so they gave it an upvote. When this happens, your Post Karma increases. Likewise, if you post something offensive or something that most people don’t like, users will likely give your post a downvote, decreasing the Post Karma points you got before. 

Comment Karma

It works the same way as Post Karma. High upvotes on your comment will increase your Comment Karma. However, this doesn’t work in a 1:1 ratio. As time passes, one upvote won’t be enough to gain one Reddit Karma. 

Awarder Karma

You get it when you give people awards, whereas Awardee Karma is for when you receive awards. You can check your Karma on your profile icon on the Reddit home page on the top right. 

How do I Increase Reddit Karma?

Earning Karma is like community service. You can neither buy it nor ask for someone. You have to collect it voluntarily by interacting with people and giving them what they want.  Reddit is a huge platform that people rely on when discussing something important or when they want opinions from others. Engaging in the right subreddit correctly can boost your Reddit Karma in no time. Here are a few things you can try to increase your Reddit Karma. 

Engage in popular subreddits that you have enough understanding about. r/funny, r/gamming, r/AskReddit, and r/announcements are some of the most famous subreddits, and engaging in these can get you high reach. Posting under these popular subreddits targets a large audience. Your Karma will likely increase when people see and engage with your post. However, try not to write something cluelessly. There is a high chance of people downvoting your post, which can result in bad Karma. This will decrease your Reddit Karma instead. 

Ask Questions or Give Answers

When you ask intriguing questions, people are likely to engage with the post and come up with a solution. Similarly, you can also help those users who have asked a question. Make sure your answer has valid points and the necessary essence and details. You can also add images and links to help the user understand better.  /r/AskReddit is a famous subreddit with a large number of members. We would suggest you engage in this subreddit to gain more visibility. Even though your main goal is to increase Karma, answer as if you want to genuinely help them by giving the best possible answers.  Being true and authentic always helps in the long run.  However, it is better not to take part in those posts that you don’t have much knowledge about. Answering aimlessly can result in a decrease in Reddit Karma. As for asking questions, make sure your questions are on point and specific. You can also use SEO tools to seek the right keywords and add to your questions/answers. 

Be the First One to Comment

Try to be the first to comment, as more people will see it. However, if it does not have a good point, other better comments can surpass you even if you were the first one. Make sure to write something insightful, as you will get a lot of exposure. Try to make it humorous and avoid writing fluff. 

Post Good Quality Contents

If your content is not good, it won’t get many votes. And if you don’t get enough upvotes, your Reddit Karma won’t increase. Good content is what attracts people. Originality and authenticity are the main pointers to achieving such content.  When you include pictures and links to your post, it makes it look much more appealing. Talking about something in depth with accurate information is also a boost. Nonetheless, sweet and short content works just as fine too.  People tend to use Reddit more on weekends rather than on weekdays. So, make sure to use Reddit during this time to seize the opportunity to get the most visibility. 

Engage in Comments 

Engage with other Reddit users by commenting or replying to their posts. It is one of the easiest ways to gain visibility. Write something fun and interesting, so the other person is entertained enough and responds to your post. Similarly, reply to them and keep them engaged when someone comments on your post, so the thread continues. You can join Subreddits like /r/TodayIlearn, r/Who Would Win?, r/Life Pro Tips, etc., and share your experiences with other users. If it is entertaining or convincing enough, people will likely go through it and leave an upvote as well. This will help you increase Comment Reddit Karma points. 

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