Before going deeper, you can resolve the issue by confirming that you have searched them in the correct location. After that, even if you deleted the bookmarks accidentally or had issues with the Chrome browser itself, you can recover your precious bookmarks with the help of the fixes listed in this article. 

Causes for Disappearing Bookmarks

You could lose the bookmarks for a number of reasons. Here’s the list of few of them:

Fixes for Lost Bookmarks in Chrome

From using hard disk and other browsers to restore bookmarks, you can try the following fixes to easily resolve your issue.

Recover Bookmarks From the Hard Disk

It is a more convenient and relatively easier fix to solve this problem. Here, you recover the bookmarks from your system drive. Before starting this process, please remember to close all open Chrome windows, and do not reopen chrome. If you have already closed Chrome then leave it there as it will overwrite the saved version of the backup whenever you launch Chrome again.

Restore Using the HTML File

If you have exported the bookmarks before they got lost, then you can use the HTML file to restore bookmarks to Chrome. Here’s the step to restore bookmarks using HTML file:

Restore Using Other Browsers

If you have the same bookmarks on other browsers then you can import them to the chrome browser. For this you can follow these steps:

Restore Using Browsing History

Your browsing history remains even after you exit the browser. It contains all the webpages you have visited in the last few months. If you could not restore the bookmarks using the above method then you can browse through the history and bookmark them manually.

Bookmarks Disappeared In Chrome  Try These 4 Fixes - 54Bookmarks Disappeared In Chrome  Try These 4 Fixes - 31Bookmarks Disappeared In Chrome  Try These 4 Fixes - 44Bookmarks Disappeared In Chrome  Try These 4 Fixes - 13Bookmarks Disappeared In Chrome  Try These 4 Fixes - 18